Posts tagged Simplicity
The Road to a #MeMade Wardrobe: Simplicity S9822

I have spoken at length about my love-hate relationship with jumpsuits.  I think what I love most about them is how they look…on other people.  I have this fantasy in my mind about how I think they will look on me.  And what tends to happen is that I will purchase or make a jumpsuit and then put it on and be instantly disappointed in how it looks.  That said, when I saw this Mimi G pattern I said, maybe this is the one that’s going to look amazing on me. 

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The Road to a #MeMade Wardrobe: Simplicity S9636

Every year (sometimes twice a year) I go through my fabric stash and try to clear out as much clutter as I can.  When I come across small cuts of fabric that I can’t seem to part with, I try to find a creative way to use them.  So when I found about two yards of these two fabrics, I thought they’d both work for a top.  But I didn’t quite have enough of either to finish most of the patterns that I had.  But then the engineering part of my brain clicked on, and I realized that if I used both fabrics in one reversible shirt, I wouldn’t have to worry about the extra fabric that I would need for, say, facing pieces.

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Costume Review, Remix and Rendering #9: MIDNIGHT IN PARIS (2011)

I must admit that I’m not familiar with too many films featuring Owen Wilson because he tends to star in comedies, and comedies aren’t usually my thing. And while this movie fits into the category of a romance comedy, It also checks some other boxes like period film, set in Paris and featuring the likes of Marion Cotillard and Kathy Bates, that makes it a film right up my alley.

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The Road to a #MeMade Wardrobe: SIMPLICITY S9554

I have had a lot of trouble in finding a good silhouette for blouses for myself…or any top really.  For example, I thought I was going to be a cool graphic tee kind of girl, but that just didn’t work out for me.  Then I though I could be a peasant top kind of girl, but those never come at the right length and are usually too blousy so I just look bigger than I am.  And I don’t need that kind of help.  Then I tried doing fitted button front shirts, but they’re never cut right and the ones that fit my midsection are too tight on my boobs and it’s just horrible.

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The Road to a #MeMade Wardrobe:  Simplicity 8830

I love that despite the pandemic, I’ve been able to visit some of my favorite fabric haunts because the proprietors have gone above and beyond to create a safe environment for us crafters to get our hoard on. One such place is Rye Canyon Supply Co. I love searching through all the beautiful finds that they’ve saved from going to landfills and at the same time saved landfills from the unnecessary non-degradable waste.

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The Road to a #MeMade Wardrobe:  Simplicity 9158

About a year or so ago, my hubby went on a hunt for a dashiki. He loved the prints that dashikis come in, but he found a hard time getting with the silhouette. It is just too boxy for him. He was looking for something with the teensiest bit of a fitted look. So while I could cut a dashiki pattern for him blindfolded, I knew that wasn’t what he wanted. So I told him to wait. Then the pattern gods smiled down on us and Simplicity came out with a men’s pattern that was a perfect combination of tailored and simple. It only took a few minutes of rummaging through my Ankara prints for him to pick out one that he absolutely had to have this shirt in.

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The Road to a #MeMade Wardrobe:  Simplicity 8889

My hubby requested that I make more things for him because I’ve been making myself all kinds of fly shit.  So I came through and made him a bunch of stuff during Sewvember.  And since I’ve been trying to alternate, two for me, one for you.  So I made him a super cute button up in Ankara Print that he loves.  But I’d bought so much fabric for his piece that I had a ton left over and decided to make a button up crop top for myself.

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