The Road to a #MeMade Wardrobe: Simplicity S9822

I have spoken at length about my love-hate relationship with jumpsuits.  I think what I love most about them is how they look…on other people.  I have this fantasy in my mind about how I think they will look on me.  And what tends to happen is that I will purchase or make a jumpsuit and then put it on and be instantly disappointed in how it looks.  That said, when I saw this Mimi G pattern I said, maybe this is the one that’s going to look amazing on me. 

When I finished it and put it on I was pleasantly surprised that it fit me really well.  Not only that it was flattering.

Pattern: Simplicity 9822 Misses’ Jumpsuits by Mimi G

Fabric: Light Chambray Woven Fabric from Hobby Lobby

Style: Wide leg Coveralls

Vintage/Contemporary:  Contemporary

Pattern Edits:

1.     While I normally alter pants or jumpsuit patterns because of my long torso and ample belly, I didn’t in this case.  I felt that because of how the pattern was cut, doing this might completely screw up the silhouette the jumpsuit was supposed to have.  And I’m really glad I didn’t.

Lessons Learned:

1.     I CAN wear jumpsuits afterall.  I just have a very specific kind of jumpsuit that works for me and maybe I should stick to that.