Posts tagged Food
Recipe: Coconut Fish Curry

While going through our cookbooks I came across several booklets that came along with our appliances, and in the booklets were suggested recipes.  In the one for our InstaPot, there was a recipe for coconut fish curry.  I decided to zjuzj it up with several different spices and landed upon this recipe here.

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Recipe: Grilled Salmon with Ginger Mustard Marinade

We’ve been trying to consolidate our recipe books and getting rid of ones whose recipes no longer serve us.  While thumbing through one of our cooking lite books, we came across this recipe that we’d flagged, literally years ago as something we wanted to make.  Aaron has a natural aversion to putting anything other than spices on salmon since it has its own natural flavor.  But I loves me a good sauce.  So we figured we’d give it a try.  I only made a few small modifications to it. But it was a bonified hit!

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Recipe: Brisket with a Mustard Sauce & Black-Eyed Peas

This was the experiment of all experiments for several reasons. Usually, brisket is smoked.  But we live in an apartment so that wasn’t going to happen.  Therefore, we had to figure out how to make it in the oven without being dry AF.  Also, you’re usually cooking 5+ pounds of brisket.  I got the 2-pound brisket on managers special (look, the entertainment industry is on strike and times are hard).   And a smaller cut of meat runs a higher risk of, once again, being dry AF. The Black-eyed peas were an experiment too.  The hubby and I both hate black eye peas.  Or I should say, hated black eyed peas.  When we went to Louisiana for my father’s funeral, family there made black eyed peas like I’ve NEVER eaten before.

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Recipe: Salmon Stew

Once of our sister friends, Vicky, breezes into town like once a year and throws down for three straight days in the kitchen.  One of our favorite dishes of hers is salmon stew.  We’ve been trying to perfect it for years and still haven’t gotten it right.  But damnit if our version isn’t a decent version. 

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Recipe: Colonizer Tears aka White Sangria

I was invited to a Juneteenth party and was unsure of what to bring or even what a Juneteenth party was supposed to be. Anyway, I didn’t want to bring anything too heavy. And for some wild reason, my friends rely on me for booze. Go figure.

So I decided to whip up a nice “light” sangria. There are a bunch of recipes out there that I sampled from. The end result was a real crowd pleaser. I made 6 liters of this shit and it was gone within an hour of my arrival.

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Recipe: Baked Turkey Wings

I have some really fond memories of a turkey wing phase my dad went through. He would go on these kicks where he would make something like once a week until he felt he’d perfected it. One of those things was turkey wings. I don’t have his recipe. In fact, I think he makes it more by feel than anything. But after finding some on sale at the supermarket, I did some research on the interwebs and combined several recipes to come up with this little ditty.

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