Posts tagged Turkey
Recipe: Baked Turkey Wings

I have some really fond memories of a turkey wing phase my dad went through. He would go on these kicks where he would make something like once a week until he felt he’d perfected it. One of those things was turkey wings. I don’t have his recipe. In fact, I think he makes it more by feel than anything. But after finding some on sale at the supermarket, I did some research on the interwebs and combined several recipes to come up with this little ditty.

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Recipe: Jamaican Patties with Ground Turkey

This recipe is literally 10 years in the making.  Back in Hubby and I first met we used to grab beef patties from the city for $2 a pop.  Then we found frozen patties that were sold at Costco that were pretty authentic.  So we started getting them in bulk.  Finally, Hubby, who is the real chef out of the two of us, decided he wanted to try making them.   He tried several different times.  And while each time was better than the last, there was something that just wasn’t quite right. 

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