Posts tagged Pork
Recipe: Tomato Braised Neckbones

I hate eating any food I need to work for. Like I love crab legs in terms of taste but I refuse to crack a single shell cus it’s too damn much. I feel the same for neckbones because generally they’re a lot of work for a small reward. But when I saw these meaty ass neckbones in the store and on sale to boot…I knew if I just cooked the live out of them, the meat would fall off the bone and yes Lawd it did.

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Recipe: Sweet & Sour Pork Stir Fry

We have been in search of pork loin recipes where the pork doesn’t end up dry AF. And what we’ve discovered in this search is that recipes where the loin is cooked whole always yield dry ass results. That said, recipes like this one, where the loin is cut up before being cooked have proven to be deliciously moist.

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Recipe: Crispy Pork Belly

Whenever we get Thai food, hubby and I generally choose between two or three staples. Crispy pork is one of his faves and he always gets upset when we’re trying a new place and they don’t ‘get it right.’ So he searched high and low for a recipe so he could have it whenever he wanted and this recipe comes hubby approved.

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FoodLo BrewerRecipe, Food, PorkComment