Posts tagged Ruth E. Carter
Costume Remix #30: Mo’ Betta’ Blues (1990)

Left Hand Lacey is the character you love to hate and his style borders on the absurd. That said, I have always been in love with the spin on a spectacle chain that he wears. He has glasses that don’t have arms, but instead have a chain and that chain connects to a single earring. BRILLIANT! Ruth E. Carter strikes again.

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Costume Remix #19: The Butler (2013)

Lookit, we all know that I love and revere the great Ruth E. Carter. The reason why I have studied her design so closely is because she is the reason why I decided to take this leap and switch careers this late in the race. And I think that The Butler is one of the many examples of the greatness she is capable of. There are so many beautiful pieces I could have chosen from this film to remix. But I was most fascinated by the matching outfits worn by Cecil (Forrest Whittaker) and Gloria (Oprah Winfrey). I think I read somewhere that Ruth was inspired by a mail order ad from the period that advertised outfits similar to these. I swear if hubby and I lived during this time period we’d totally have us some matching jumpsuits…but I digress.

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Costume Remix #15: I’m Gonna Git You Sucka (1988)

I’m generally not one for slapstick humor, and I also don’t like satire or parody. But I’m Gonna Git You Sucka is the exception. I can, and have, watch this movie over and over again. It’s so wonderfully ridiculous. And it shows us so many actors in the infancy of their careers. I love how Ruth Carter leans into the ludicrousness of the storyline and goes off on the absurdity.

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What I Did on My Fall Vacation: 2021

The past several Novembers I’ve been working extra hard to not work hard at all. I had a situation a few years ago where I was running myself ragged and it did NOT turn out well for me. Since then, I’ve decided to take a month off from all things that were totally unnecessary to focus on rest, relaxation and rejuvenation.

This fall break, I decided to work on some jewelry crafting projects. You all know how I’ve been remixing costume pieces from my favorite moves. Well, this time I decided to remix three (count ‘em) THREE, jewelry pieces from three different movies.

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Costume Remix #8: Amistad (1997)

Of all the beautiful costumes I could have picked to recreate from this film, I have always been mildly obsessed with osnaburg shirts. You might know them as the beige work shirts worn mostly by men in the 18th and 19th centuries. I’ve always called them slave shirts. Sounds politically incorrect. But osnaburg fabric was primarily used in the Americas for clothing worn by slaves. So there’s a history lesson fer ya…moving right along…

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Costume Redux #2: House Party 2    

As a baby costume designer, I’m so eager to learn and enhance my craft and I spend a lot of time studying other artists’ work. I am always inspired by the costume pieces from some of my favorite films. So I decided to start trying to recreate and in some cases revamp or put my own spin on some famous and in some cases, not so famous pieces from these films.

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