Posts tagged The Butler
Costume Remix #19: The Butler (2013)

Lookit, we all know that I love and revere the great Ruth E. Carter. The reason why I have studied her design so closely is because she is the reason why I decided to take this leap and switch careers this late in the race. And I think that The Butler is one of the many examples of the greatness she is capable of. There are so many beautiful pieces I could have chosen from this film to remix. But I was most fascinated by the matching outfits worn by Cecil (Forrest Whittaker) and Gloria (Oprah Winfrey). I think I read somewhere that Ruth was inspired by a mail order ad from the period that advertised outfits similar to these. I swear if hubby and I lived during this time period we’d totally have us some matching jumpsuits…but I digress.

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