What I Did on My Fall Vacation: 2021

The past several Novembers I’ve been working extra hard to not work hard at all.  I had a situation a few years ago where I was running myself ragged and it did NOT turn out well for me.  Since then, I’ve decided to take a month off from all things that were totally unnecessary to focus on rest, relaxation and rejuvenation.

This fall break happened to fall in October instead of November since I was in between TV projects (I’m a big time fancy costume PA now). So I paused posts in November, but actually took my break in October.

Anyway, I decided to work on some jewelry crafting projects.  You all know how I’ve been remixing costume pieces from my favorite moves.  Well, this time I decided to remix two jewelry pieces from three different movies.

Legends of the Fall: One Stab’s Boar Tusk Necklace

Even though this is one of my favorite movies, for YEARS I’d decided that One Stab received a bear claw necklace instead of a boar’s tusk necklace.  I think maybe because of the lore surrounding the movie’s storyline that I’d latched onto this.  But because of that, when I was trying to get pieces for this necklace, I looked specifically for bear claws.  Once I realized my blunder, I decided that I should try to bleach and sand the black bear claw pendants that I’d found online and try to give them some character.  I think it turned out pretty good.

House Party 2: Bilal’s Large Italian Bead Necklace


Since I couldn’t find beads that were the same shape as the ones in Bilal’s necklace, I decided to go for size.  These wooden beads were great for size and really absorbed dye and paint well.  I utilized dye, paint and decoupage to make several unique beads.  Then I covered them with a nice glossy coat.

This project was hella involved.  But, at the same time, it was super relaxing to have something to focus on.  I think I’ll try this multimedia method on some other pieces.