Posts tagged Pussy Power
Pussy Power Post #18-Crystal Clark

I met Crystal through mutual friends after moving to Los Angeles a few years ago. Her personality is so incredibly effervescent. She can walk into any room and instantly make it lighter and turn your frown upside down just by her sheer presence. So it was no surprise when she realized that her purpose was in the mental health field. Please meet, the woman I am so incredibly proud and privileged to call friend, Crystal M. Clark.

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Pussy Power Post #17-Pabvon Carter

I first met Pabvon about 15 years ago when we both worked in ad sales. My first thought when seeing her was, Thank God, another black girl. My second thought was, She better be cool. Well I learned soon enough that she is not only cool, she’s literally every woman. She’s one of the few people who can be whatever you need whenever you need it. Wanna know the best place in Dubai to have a bottomless Hennessy brunch…she’s got you. Standing on a cliff in Jamaica, scared to jump off, she’ll grab your hand and hold on to it the whole way down. Unsure what color scheme to go with for your wedding, she’s shows up at your door with a color palette presentation. Going into an emotional tailspin in the middle of the night…call her. She’ll not only pick up but give you some practical self-care tips to calm you TF down.

Oh, she’s also an amazing event planner and experience concierge. With that said meet Pabvon Carter…the definition of every woman.

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Pu$$y Power Post #13-Ashley Hodge

Ashley may be the most positive person I’ve ever met.  I’m inspired by how she attacks life with such ferocity and fearlessness.  But one of the most impressive things about her has to be her dedication to health and fitness. Her fitness journey has never been about losing weight or having the “perfect” body (although she’s got a pretty amazing bum). Ashley’s journey has been about loving Ashley. She’s out here practicing a new brand of self-care and I’m 100% here for it.

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Pussy Power Post #12-Mia Pinchoff

If you’ve ever spent any time in New York City, particularly in Times Square, you’ve been approached on the street by some rando, asking, “Do you like comedy?” They’re usually met with a gruff, “No!” or even better, “Fuck off!” New York City: The friendliest place on earth. The purpose of their terrible lead in question is not to get to know you better, it’s to sell you tickets to a comedy show.

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