Pussy Power Post #8-Andrea Osei

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Prior to this interview I knew three things about Andrea Osei. 

1. She is super smart.  (She graduated with a degree in pharmacy.)

2. She gives back. (She’s been involved in several causes to bring awareness to health issues affecting the black community.)

3. She is a fashion designer. (Everything she creates is pure fire.)

Any combination of these feats is more than enough to qualify someone as a P.P. muse. But after learning about the journey that formed her into the amazing woman she is today, I realize that she may be a little over qualified. I mean, she does it all.

I must admit that the recent meteoric trajectory of her career in fashion is what’s really caught my attention.  I find her quest to pay homage to the fierce women that came before her, while representing her culture in a beautiful and elegant way, inspiring. And I feel privileged that she’s chosen to share her a bit of her story with all of us.

But enough about me…meet Andrea Osei, the owner and creator of the gorgeous and graceful, Osei en Rose.

I’ll start with a very LA-esque question.  What exactly is it that you do?

I like to say that I am make clothing for bougie women. I love for my clients to feel like royalty even in my most simple pieces. Osei en Rose is a play on the French phrase "la vie en rose" and my last name Osei. It is fashion curated through my rose colored glasses; Fashion that is soft, feminine and bold.

What inspires you?

I am greatly inspired my experiences as a first generation Ghanaian American. I have the advantage of tapping into Ghana's rich culture while also being submerged in American art, fashion and pop culture. For example, my debut collection was largely influenced by clothing my mother and aunts wore both in Ghana during the 1960's and in America in the 1970's and 80's.

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Give me an abridged version of your journey.

Fashion design was a career path that I stumbled upon. I actually went to school for pharmacy and still practice within the profession. In 2013, my grandmother passed away just 4 months before I got married. As a child, she actually was the one who taught me an array of crafty skills including how to sew by hand. After she passed, my aunt purchased a sewing machine for me as a bridal shower gift.

In 2014, I decided to teach myself how to sew using YouTube and various digital resources. Over the following 3 years, this pass time became a passion and I began making children's & women's clothes. I also began paying for classes online to sharpen my skill set. In 2017, I decided to narrow my focus to luxury women's apparel and Osei en Rose was born.

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What’s your biggest accomplishment thus far?

My first New York Fashion Week Presentation in February 2018. During this event I previewed my current Fall/Winter 2018 collection. It was a very exciting and fulfilling experience. The amount of support for the event was tremendous.

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What’s next for you?

I am currently working on my Spring/Summer 2019 collection that I will release in early March. I have something spectacular brewing so stay tuned!

Name one major goal for the future so your sistren can manifest that with you.

I want to expand the business in a major way in 2019. So prayers up sistren!!

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Name: Andrea A. Osei

Age: 33

Location/Region:  Maplewood, NJ

Industry: Fashion

Theme Song: Odo by Kidi

Favorite Place to Travel: Accra, Ghana

Best Book You’ve Read in the Past Year:  Boundaries in Marriage by Henry Cloud, John Pearson & John Townsend. It helped me look at all relationships differently.

If You Were A Color You Would Be: Rose Gold because it is classy and sexy.

Best Piece of Advice You’ve Ever Been Given: Stop allowing things you can't control to control you.

Favorite Article of Clothing:  A pair of high waist jeans from Fashion Nova.

Biggest Fear: My biggest fear is that I will give up right before my breakthrough.

#1 on Your Bucket List: I don't really have a bucket list. However, my greatest desire is to become a full-time designer and philanthropist.

Fictional Character You Most Identify With:  Edna Mode from the Incredibles.

Daily Affirmation: What God has for me is greater than what I am currently facing.

To keep up with Andrea, check out these links: Website, Twitter, Instagram,  Facebook and Snapchat (OseienRose). You can even email her HERE.

 Follow us on Twitter @FlairHuxtable, Instagram @Flair.Huxtable and @HomeBrewedLove, and Facebook at @Flair Huxtable! Then buy Lo’s first book, “The Semester,” HERE!