Pussy Power Post #2-Andrea Nelson

Photo Credit: Isaac Loftus

Photo Credit: Isaac Loftus

When I first met Andrea, she was just the cute girl my friend Daren was dating.  I thought she was pretty amazing before I knew her very well.  But the deeper your connection with her, you find that amazing doesn’t even come close to describing who she is.

She acts, she models, she sings, she cooks, and she’s trained in a bevy of martial arts disciplines. Ergo, she literally kicks ass.

I was so excited to see her recently on stage in “The Final Girl,” where she was able to put her fight training to work.  Her performance in that show was insanity.  I knew at that point that she was on the verge of blowing up and I needed to feature her before she became a full-fledged, bonafied celebrity.

And I was right.  Since her run as the lead in "The Final Girl" Andrea has been super busy landing gigs and being awesome.  The fact that she took time to answer a few questions for my little old blog has me feeling #blessed.

I’ll start with a very LA-esque question.  What exactly is it that you do?

I am first and foremost an actress, and secondly a martial artist, model and chef.

Production Still from Star Wars: Destroyer directed by Arya Moghaddam, cinematography by Adrian Sierkowski

Production Still from Star Wars: Destroyer directed by Arya Moghaddam, cinematography by Adrian Sierkowski

Nelson serving face, and hair. Photo Credit: Michael M. Haase

Nelson serving face, and hair. Photo Credit: Michael M. Haase

What inspires you?

Micro? Science fiction television, film and novels with passionate female protagonists that are both flawed and complicated. Also, the process of making a truly incredible coconut curry from scratch.

Macro? The way that a really great story feels like magic. The ability to bring humans together to experience catharsis in community. And the truly inspiring way that women are rising up and insisting that their stories are worth telling.

Give me an abridged version of your journey.

I was born and raised in Seattle, WA, and was in my first play when I was seven years old. I’ve been hooked to the stage ever since, and have been in over 50 stage productions in my life. I was on my first TV show when I was thirteen, as a recurring character on Bill Nye’s show, "The Eyes of Nye." I’ve also always been athletic! I was a three-time Junior Olympian in downhill ski racing until I blew out my knee at age 17. I’ve more recently dedicated myself to martial arts, and have been studying Shaolin American Kenpo. I graduated with BA’s in Theatre and English, and moved immediately to LA. In the years since I’ve moved, I met my soul mate (and married him), starred in two indie feature films, four plays, countless short films, commercials, readings and webseries, even an immersive touring show! Most recently, I was featured as a co-star on ABC’s "Modern Family."

What’s your biggest accomplishment thus far?

Late last year (2017), I was the lead in a cutting edge horror/martial arts play called The Final Girl that required an enormous amount of physical work, and some truly beautiful and complicated stage combat. In reviews, I was described as "a legitimate threat that transcends revenge tales like I Spit On Your Grave, […] her badass stoicism has more in common with action stars like Alien’s Ripley." It was an incredible opportunity to combine my love of martial arts and my passion for acting (and flawed, female protagonists).

Final Girl Promotional Poster, directed by Christopher Johnson, presented by School of Night

Final Girl Promotional Poster, directed by Christopher Johnson, presented by School of Night

However, seven performances in and halfway through the run, I stepped sideways in a fight and blew my ACL in my knee. I just had surgery, and have spent a large part of this year in physical therapy. More importantly, I am learning how to ask for support in difficult times. I am learning how much my ego is tied to my physicality. And I am learning what it looks like for me to continue to make art and tell story in spite of these limitations.

All that to say, I actually believe that my greatest accomplishment thus far has been in overcoming the multitude of personal obstacles I have faced in my journey as a growing artist, this being the largest and most recent. Actors are constantly navigating a world of “NO,” and I am loving learning how to create my own content and forge my own path in spite of it.

What’s next for you?

I was just cast in the lead for a new scifi short film, and I’m also smack in the middle of crowdfunding for an awesome new webseries called "Breathe In For Luck" that I’m one of the leads in. It’s an LGBTQ rom-com about expectations, different shades of intimacy, and what it really means to love someone. You can like the Facebook page BIFL The Series to learn more and get updates!

Name one major goal for the future so your sistren can manifest that with you.

In the next five years, I would like to book a major, recurring role on a science fiction TV show that is flawed, powerful and complex.

That, OR that I’m so neck deep in my own content that I don’t need to book roles, because I’m making all of them myself!

 Lady Bits

I ask all my Pussy Power Post subjects to fill out a form that questions everything from what gets them going in the morning to abstract ways in which they view themselves. 

Photo Credit: Daniel Scherl

Photo Credit: Daniel Scherl

Name: Andrea Nelson

Age: 29

Location/Region: Los Angeles

Industry: Film

Favorite Place to Travel: Goslar - a tiny town in Germany about an hour away from Frankfurt. I have family there, and it is truly a magical place. Although, the south of France is pretty mind blowing too!

If You Were A Color You Would Be: Olive Green

Favorite Article of Clothing: I’ve got this great pair of flowy harem pants decorated with elephants that I can’t seem to get enough of! If my entire closet was comprised of harem pants, I’d be a happy girl.

This feature on Andrea comes on the heels of her guest role on the award-winning comedy, “Modern Family.”  You can peep the entire episode HERE.

To find out more about what Andrea is up to, hit up the links below:

Website, Instagram, Cooking Instagram, Twitter, IMDB, BIFL Facebook Page,

Follow us on Twitter @FlairHuxtable, Instagram @Flair.Huxtable and @HomeBrewedLove, and Facebook at @Flair Huxtable! Then buy Lo’s first book, “The Semester,” HERE!