Pussy Power Post #3-Angela Burris

Photo Credit: Lauren Hamilton

Photo Credit: Lauren Hamilton

Angela Burris was one of the first people I met after moving to Los Angeles.  When I heard about all of her varied talents, I must admit, I was a little intimidated.  But I had nothing to fear.  Because although she is a force to be reckoned with, she’s also got a huge heart, is completely unassuming and is generally nice AF.  She’s always looking for opportunities to collaborate with and have meaningful exchanges with like-minded creative spirits. And her boss-like nature makes her the perfect candidate for a Pussy Power Post.

Allow me to introduce you to Angela: producer, director, graphic tee designer, screenwriter, photographer…there’s more, but you get the gist.

1. I’ll start with a very LA-esque question.  What exactly is it that you do?

I create! I make everything from movies to episodic and web based video content and I even make t-shirts

2. What inspires you?

Challenges…I know that sounds crazy. But I get bored when things are too easy. I love to be faced with something that requires me to dig in to my core. And whether or not I succeed, at least I tried.

3. Give me an abridged version of your journey.

As a kid I was interested in photography and my grandmother bought me my first Fuji 35mm with changeable lenses around 14.  Later I decided I wanted to become a music engineer (I’m a geek).  So, I moved out to Los Angles where my brother and a few other family members lived. But sitting in the dark studio for hours on end was awful.  I finally started to find my niche when I began working as CFO for an indie entertainment company.  I would work during the day and learn all about production on my free time at night.  It was then that my passion for production grew.

4. What’s your biggest accomplishment thus far?

Writing and producing a feature film through my company, Librium Pictures.

5. What’s next for you?

Writing and producing a television series.

6. Name one major goal for the future so your sistren can manifest that with you.

I would love to have my next project, The Prodigy Bank, in production by the end of the year.

I ask all my Pussy Power Post subjects to fill out a form that questions everything from what gets them going in the morning to abstract ways in which they view themselves. 

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Name: Angela Burris

Age: 47

Location/Region: Los Angeles

Industry: Film/TV

Theme Song:I’m a Flirt”-R. Kelly feat. T.I., T-Pain

Favorite Place to Travel: Philippines

If You Were A Color You Would Be: BLACK

Favorite Article of Clothing: Hoodie

#1 on Your Bucket List: Visiting Cuba

I must take a moment to talk about Angela’s Zip Code Hoodie Series.  Angela combines her loves of t-shirt design (through her company The Shert Factory) and video production to create videos that promote her amazing clients.

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While wearing one of The Shert Factory’s most popular pieces, the zip code hoodie, the subjects rep where they're from and what they're about in these concise and well edited vids.  It’s beautiful and it’s brilliant. I own one. I love it. You need one. Go get it.

Peep one of her videos below:

If you want to know what Angela is up to, make sure to hit up all of her social media at the links below.

Librium Pictures, The Shert Factory, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Page, YouTube-Shert, YouTube-Librium, Email

Follow us on Twitter @FlairHuxtable, Instagram @Flair.Huxtable and @HomeBrewedLove, and Facebook at @Flair Huxtable! Then buy Lo’s first book, “The Semester,” HERE!