Posts tagged Writing

I’ve always been an avid reader and in recent years have been a part of a book club that has helped keep me motivated and reading books I might not otherwise choose to read.  I’m so thankful for my fellow worms for picking some really great reads this year.  In addition to the books we’ve chosen in our group, I’ve also read some metaphysical, spiritual and self-help books.  It’s been a doozy of a year, so I’ll take all the help I can get.

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2021 Book Review

This year, instead of going with themes like reading black authors in February and Indigenous authors in November, I decided to read whatever I wanted to read, whenever I want to read it. This helped me feel less pressured to get books done by a certain time, so it could start being fun again.

I’ve also been a part of a magical realism-based book club for the past two years or so and it’s forced me to really expand my reading choices.

With that said, here are the books that stood out to me in 2021…for better or for worse.

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White Noise

Thomasina squinted at the crisp autumn leaves blowing in through the broken window, scattering about the room. She’d never had any friends thanks the condition that gifted her with translucent white skin and pink eyes. But somehow, on this night, she found herself sitting on the floor of an abandoned hunting shack, with three girls she’d encountered earlier while walking through the woods. She jumped when one of them, the one named Helen, leaned forward, and spat, “Truth or Dare?!”

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Voices that Carry

People in the village were whispering about her, but she didn't care. Every day, she lugged her saw, a bucket, a homemade fishing pole, and bait across the frozen lake. Once there, she sat shivering while waiting for the telltale tug from a creature below the surface. This torturous task wasn't for the fairer sex but what choice did she have? On that particular day, as clouds and a north wind rolled in from the mountains, she was deep in thought about how she got to this point, so much so that she almost didn’t notice two little girls at the edge of the lake, shouting and pointing...

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2020 Book Review

Ever since reading Stephen King’s Memoir “On Writing” several years ago, I’ve made it a goal to read daily. And in previous years, I would read at least 40 pages a day.

But 2020 wasn’t like previous years. And even though I, like so many others, had the goal of reading even more than normal, my anxiety over the pandemic and all the other foolishness happening, really sent me into a spiral. I found it so much harder to concentrate or focus for any real period of time and reading made me really sleepy. So instead of achieving my 40 book goal, I read less than half of that.

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2019 Book Review

Ever since reading Stephen King’s Memoir “On Writing” a few years ago, I’ve made it a goal to read daily.  One can’t become a better writer, without reading.  You need to study the art of story. And you can only gain perspective by reading the work of others.  So every single day I read roughly 40 pages in what ever my current read is.

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Dinah lit a candle in the carved turnip, and placed it by the window, casting the image of a ghoulish face out into the dark forest.  She squinted through the glass but could only see the autumn leaves dancing across the stone path in front of her cabin. 

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The Watcher

When she was a little girl, Irene dreamed of a future that included a life as a starving artist in New York City.  And thanks to the wildly inaccurate portrayals of 20-somethings living in Manhattan on TV, her dream also included a loft apartment complete with funny, eccentric neighbors.

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Babies and Fools

It was Sunday, my second favorite day of the week next to Monday.  Monday meant school, my absolute favorite place in the world.  In school I was smart, which meant I was important.  I always had the right answers, I volunteered to help after school, I was polite and well behaved, and teachers absolutely loved me for it.  Sunday meant Cream of Wheat, “Steampipe Alley,” the large colored section of the comics and most importantly Monday was just a night’s sleep away.

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Love Me

Every Friday evening, the Bell family could be found sitting at their dining room table looking like a scene out of a Norman Rockwell painting.  There was often a pot roast, or meatloaf or some other stereotypical All-American meal spread before them.  And the conversation didn’t deviate much from three main topics: work, charity and football. 

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2018 Book Review

Ever since reading Stephen King’s Memoir “On Writing” a few years ago, I’ve made it a goal to read daily.  One can’t become a better writer, without reading.  You need to study the art of story. And you can only gain perspective by reading the work of others.  So every single day I read roughly 40 pages in what ever my current read is.

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Cara sat on a park bench drinking her lemonade, the only reprieve from the blistering heat.  Across the street, the phenomenon continued, just as it had every summer afternoon for as long as she could remember. The gift shop had always attracted a steady stream of tourists in the warmer seasons. They would file in, one after another, but no one would ever came out.

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Escape Artist

The last time Trent was driving down Main Street, past the 76 gas station, he was headed in the opposite direction.  He was high tailing it out of town for bigger and better things, or so he thought.  He never imagined he’d be back in White Ridge.  But here he was, back with his tail between his legs. How could he explain what had gone so terribly wrong to his loved ones? Maybe he wouldn’t have to since his parents were dead, and he’d left his only real friend in the world behind in this piece of shit town to figure things out for himself.

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