Posts tagged Book Review

I’ve always been an avid reader and in recent years have been a part of a book club that has helped keep me motivated and reading books I might not otherwise choose to read.  I’m so thankful for my fellow worms for picking some really great reads this year.  In addition to the books we’ve chosen in our group, I’ve also read some metaphysical, spiritual and self-help books.  It’s been a doozy of a year, so I’ll take all the help I can get.

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2021 Book Review

This year, instead of going with themes like reading black authors in February and Indigenous authors in November, I decided to read whatever I wanted to read, whenever I want to read it. This helped me feel less pressured to get books done by a certain time, so it could start being fun again.

I’ve also been a part of a magical realism-based book club for the past two years or so and it’s forced me to really expand my reading choices.

With that said, here are the books that stood out to me in 2021…for better or for worse.

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2020 Book Review

Ever since reading Stephen King’s Memoir “On Writing” several years ago, I’ve made it a goal to read daily. And in previous years, I would read at least 40 pages a day.

But 2020 wasn’t like previous years. And even though I, like so many others, had the goal of reading even more than normal, my anxiety over the pandemic and all the other foolishness happening, really sent me into a spiral. I found it so much harder to concentrate or focus for any real period of time and reading made me really sleepy. So instead of achieving my 40 book goal, I read less than half of that.

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2019 Book Review

Ever since reading Stephen King’s Memoir “On Writing” a few years ago, I’ve made it a goal to read daily.  One can’t become a better writer, without reading.  You need to study the art of story. And you can only gain perspective by reading the work of others.  So every single day I read roughly 40 pages in what ever my current read is.

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2018 Book Review

Ever since reading Stephen King’s Memoir “On Writing” a few years ago, I’ve made it a goal to read daily.  One can’t become a better writer, without reading.  You need to study the art of story. And you can only gain perspective by reading the work of others.  So every single day I read roughly 40 pages in what ever my current read is.

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