The Road to a #MeMade Wardrobe:  McCalls 7694


When Forever 21 first came out with a Plus line, I bought a denim vest.  It was around the same time that I started attending Fashion events in NYC.  I wore this denim vest with LITERALLY everything.  It became a crutch…when in a bind, throw on the vest.  Eventually I realized that it was neither flattering nor age appropriate.  It made me look like someone pretending to be a teenager.  So, though it was hard, I donated it it…never to see it again. 

That was at least four years ago…maybe longer.  Anyway, while in Joann’s recently, I was looking for a totally different pattern, when I came across this one and said, yep, a moto-vest…want it…need it.


Pattern: Misses' Moto-Style Jacket and Vest

Fabric: Stretch Denim / Heavy Weight - ML290000 - Navy Blue from Michael Levine

Style: Denim Moto Vest

Vintage/Contemporary:  Contemporary

Pattern Edits:

1. The only edits I made was to leave out the interfacing.  Even though the fabric that I used was stretchy, it was only slightly stretchy and I didn’t feel that interfacing was really necessary.

2. I also thought it would be a good idea to line the pockets with a funky little fabric. I call this a success!


Lessons Learned:

1. The lesson I keep learning is to trust my instincts.  That coupled with taking my time and paying attention is one of the best lessons I can learn.  In this instance, I was attaching the diagonal zipper and initially swayed from the instructions for a moment because I felt my way of doing it made more sense.  I then second guessed myself and did it ‘their’ way…only to realize a day later that I should have just gone with my gut.

This is an intermediate pattern.  But if you’re at least practiced in following patterns, you should be able to complete it in a couple of days.

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