Recipe: Apple Cider Vinegar Morning Detox


Hubby and I started the year off pretty strong with better diet and exercise habits.  We thought we might try out some of these natural detox drink recipes that are all the rage.  We tried a lemon-ginger-turmeric one a few weeks ago that was pretty good.  It didn’t taste great but it wasn’t awful either. The purpose of that drink was to detox and help build immunity. 

But since I’m trying to drop some poundage I went with a different drink…this time involving apple cider vinegar.  I put the ingredients in a pitcher so that I wouldn’t have to mix it every morning, ergo I increased the measurements substantially.  The ingredients listed below are for ONE glass.



2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1 tablespoon honey

1 teaspoon tumeric

1 teaspoon cinnamon

¼ teaspoon cayenne

1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger

1 glass water


Throw it all together in a pot and bring to a boil.  Let the ginger slices steep for a half hour and then ladle into a container. 


Serve cold or hot.


FYI, the cinnamon is going to settle at the bottom of your pitcher.  In fact, it’ll settle at the bottom of your cup if you don’t drink it fast enough.  So just have a spoon handy.  I also recommend drinking this for the first time on a day that you don’t have to go anywhere.  Everyone’s body is different and you’ll need to know how quickly the vinegar will be coursing through your system.  What I’m trying to say is that depending on how sensitive your system is, this drink may or may not make you shit your brains out.  So just be aware.


I drank one glass a day for a week and lost poundage. Don’t get too excited, I didn’t lose Beyonce on the lemon honey cleanse diet pounds…but I definitely purged some intestinal grossities.

Recipe inspiration found HERE.

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