The Road to a #MeMade Wardrobe:  Vogue 1643


I saw this pattern and immediately thought this is something I’d wear if I was a classy lady.  I am of course not classy at all.  But it’s fun to pretend, right?

I was able to get all the fabric and notions on sale at Joann’s for next to nothing because I took the time to rummage through the closeout fabric.  It was a little difficult to find something on the cheap that looked expensive.  But thankfully I had nothing but time that day.



Fabric: Clearance Black and Grey Houndstooth and Symphony Broadcloth Polyester Blend Fabric -Solids from Joann

Style: Cardigan Style Jacket

Vintage/Contemporary:  Contemporary

Pattern Edits:

1. I ended up having to adjust the ribbon significantly.  When I sewed it on as instructed in the pattern, I ended up with a super ripply ribbon where it curves around the neck. So I had to seam rip it at the curves, create darts, then resew.

Lessons Learned:

1. Lined jackets are hard but I can do anything if I take my time. Still, that lining put me THROUGH it.


2. Shoulder pads are sometimes a necessary evil. 

3. I want to work on more tailored garments.  I found that the challenge was super stimulating and let me use both sides of my brain equally.

I don’t recommend this pattern to a novice.  It was a little taxing for me and I’ve been sewing like forever. But if you are a newbie and you want to try it, I’d recommend faking the sleeve cuffs.  That is, add the buttons as decoration, not as functioning buttons.

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