Recipe: Hollywood Drive

This drink was birthed from two drunken mistakes. One involves a friend, who, while already inebriated, accidentally poured vodka into my wine glass. That episode was very unpleasant.  But years later, I accidentally mixed vodka into a sangria recipe instead of brandy or rum.  The result was extremely pleasant. 



3 ounces red wine (Burgundy or cabernet)

1 ounce vodka

½ ounce triple sec

1 ounce lemonade

1 ounce cranberry juice

1 ounce flavored sparkling water (stay away from coconut flavored bubbly)

5-10 frozen cranberries or 3-5 frozen grapes


3 cups red wine (Burgundy or cabernet)

1 cup vodka

½ cup triple sec

1 cup lemonade

1 cup cranberry juice

1 cup flavored sparkling water (stay away from coconut flavored bubbly)

1 orange, cut in rounds

Please note that these measurements are approximations.  I usually just wing it.  Also, the drunker I get, the more heavy handed I get.  It’s a vicious cycle.