Lo’s Year in Review...2021


In 2018 and 2019 I did a year in review.  But 2020 really threw me (hell, it threw all of us) for a big ass fucking loop.  So I made a choice to NOT review that dumpster fire.  Thankfully, even though 2021 wasn’t easy…I definitely had more wins than losses.

2021 Wins, Losses and Lessons Learned

-Grew our Family: No, we didn’t have any kids…not of the human persuasion anyway. But we did welcome a sweet little pup into our home.  Gloria Jean Brewer came into our lives at 3 months old and changed us forever.  We are head over heels in love with her and can’t imagine our lives with out her.


-School: I graduated! After starting a 2 year costume design certificate program at LACC in the fall of 2019, I graduated having made the dean’s list all four semesters.  During my time there I worked on several projects with the theater department, the cinema department and AFI. I only had one full semester in person at the school and it was really hard to continue on from home on zoom, but somehow I did it. Look at GAWD!

-Work: Immediately following graduation, I was accepted into the PACT (Production Assistant Costume Training) Initiative run by Local IATSE 705 (the costumers union).  I was placed on the new Head of the Class reboot with an amazing team of people who were so kind, welcoming, helpful and respectful. I can’t wait to see how I will navigate this world and how my career will change and grow.

-Therapy: After two years in intense therapy, my therapist and I felt I was in a space where I could take a break.  Y’all, I’m super proud because I have worked my ass off to get my life in order and to be in a better space mentally and emotionally.  If I can find my way to sanity in the midst of this fuckery we call life, you can too.

- Home Brewed Love : I pared down the shop significantly.  One of the things that I swore I wouldn’t do once I was working for myself, was create things that didn’t bring me joy.  So recently when I realized I simply didn’t feel like making felt masks and pins, I decided to phase them out.  I also got rid of a bunch of products that simply weren’t selling so I could focus on the things that I like making and that actually make me money.

-New Look: I went back to locs! My hair journey has been thus: natural hair with the occasional straitening comb until age 11; relaxed hair until age 21; natural loose hair until age 22; locs from 22 to 33; natural loose hair until 40…back to locks this October.  I don’t know that I’ll ever go back to relaxed hair.  I’m not above it or anything.  I mean I dye my hair all the time for Pete’s sake.  I just never learned how to relax my own hair and I’m not fixing to have any kind of style I can’t do myself.  


2022 Manifestations

-Land a Literary Agent: This is something that will need major manifestation and all of your damn prayers.  It’s been one of the most daunting things I’ve tried to do as evidenced by it being on my goals list for the past four years. But I really feel like 2020 is going to be my year. 

-Finish first draft of book #3: I published book #1 of my series.  I have book #2 completed and awaiting an agent.  Finishing book three would be great accomplishment so I can start shopping that one as well. I’ve used NaNoWriMo the past two years to try to finish it up and I’m close…so God damn close.

-Start compiling my short stories into a book. 

-Get into the union.

-Be hired as a designer on an indie project.

-Become a regular provider of activity blankets to the special needs community.

-Focus more on my social media presence and produce more videos for the Home Brewed Love and Flair Huxtable brands

-Get back to exploring Los Angeles (as safely as possible).

This year I have worked so incredibly hard on myself, on being a better person, of growing stronger, of loving myself.  This process has taught me to trust myself and my instincts and to lean into my purpose.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…

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I’m going to take all the support and encouragement that I’ve received, all of the gains, all of the lessons, and let that fuel me through this upcoming year.