Lo’s Year in Review...2019


I’ve spent the last week reflecting on what an amazing year 2019 was for me and thinking about how MF sweet 2020 is going to be. Ya’ll know how much I love a listicle…so here’s a little look back and a big look forward.

2019 Wins, Losses and Lessons Learned

-I was able to share in the love of three special ass couples.  I’m always honored to be included in the nuptials of people who love each other so much.  It takes a village to keep folks together.  Thanks for making me part of your village.

-I leaned into my love of museums and culture and visited museums everywhere I went.  I was even able to drag a few folks to the museum with me.  I’m proud to be turning my loved ones into culture geeks.

-I started therapy. It’s been one of the hardest and most enlightening experiences of my life.  I recommend everyone get themselves a therapist.

-I interviewed so many boss chicks through my Pussy Power series.

-Made Friends: I connected with new people.  I tend to not want to go outside of my already established circle to interact with people.  But I forced myself to do so this year and it was kind of awesome.

-Weekly Sales: I used to have sparse sales at Home Brewed Love throughout the year with a few short busy periods.  But this year I have been fortunate to experience sales on a weekly basis.

-New Look: I cut my hair.  I finally found a barber that I really like and no longer have to pay an arm and a leg to get a decent fade.


-Back to School: I started Sew It Academy early this year. And after witnessing Ruth E. Carter speak at an event, I had the epiphany that costume design was where I wanted to be.  Ergo, this fall I began a costume design certificate program at LACC.


2020 Manifestations

-Land a Literary Agent: This is something that will need major manifestation and all of your damn prayers.  It’s been one of the most daunting things I’ve tried to do as evidenced by it being on my goals list for the past four years. But I really feel like 2020 is going to be my year. 

-Finish first draft of book #3: I published book #1 of my series.  I have book #2 completed and awaiting an agent.  Finishing book three would be great accomplishment so I can start shopping that one as well. I’ve used NaNoWriMo the past two years to try to finish it up and I’m close…so God damn close.

-Start compiling my short stories into a book. 

-Land a position in costume design.  I’m amazing…hire me!

This year I have worked so incredibly hard on myself, on being a better person, of growing stronger, of loving myself.  This process has taught me to trust myself and my instincts and to lean into my purpose.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…

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I’m going to take all the support and encouragement that I’ve received, all of the gains, all of the lessons, and let that fuel me through this upcoming year.

Follow us on Twitter @FlairHuxtable, Instagram @Flair.Huxtable and @HomeBrewedLove, and Facebook at @Flair Huxtable! Then buy Lo’s first book, “The Semester,” HERE!