Recipe: Coquito


I grew up in a predominantly Latinx town in New Jersey.  So anytime the holidays rolled around it was time for coquito.  Everyone knew a tia or abuelita that was famous for her coquito and would make it by the boatload then gift them…and ‘gift’ I mean charge your ass for it.  But it’s worth it.

Anywho, I’vegot a recipe that I’ve honed from watching several tias get their coquito on.  Like to heare it? Here it go!


1 ½ cup white rum (I like to use Captain Morgan’s Spiced White Rum)

1 12 oz can evaporated milk

1 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk

1 15 oz can cream of coconut

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1/8 tsp nutmeg

1 tsp vanilla

cinnamon sticks for garnish

1oz Kahlua (optional)


1. Combine all the ingredients and mix with a whisk.  Some people blend it, but I find that makes it a little too frothy.

2. Refrigerate and let it marinate for a couple of days. 


-It will get stronger the longer it sits. 

-You’ll have to stir it or shake it up nearly every time you pour it cus it’s thick AF.

-It is not eggnog…stop saying that.

Recipe inspiration found HERE.

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