Welcome to the Zen Zone MF!

I’ve always been a spiritual person, connected to otherworldly things, things that we don’t understand, but know are out there and in some way greater than us mere hu-muhns (said like Quark..my fellow Trekkies know what I’m talking about). 

And that spirituality has taken many forms, from fundamentalist religion to hedonism.  But I’ve found my spiritual space in what I like to call the meta-verse.  It’s a combo of several eastern religions and suggestions from my therapist.  I just try to be my best self, appreciate all the blessings and hardships thrown my way, have a respect for something greater than myself, and try my best not to be a dick.  

It’s a day to day (and sometimes minute to minute) struggle.  I’m black. I’m a woman. And with the current political state, I’m constantly under duress. But over the past few years I’ve come up with a routine that helps me find my Zen.  And because I have OCD, I stick to this ritual like a mutha. 

Every morning I wake up and I pick a chakra to focus on for the day.


Chakra definition

chak·ra (ˈCHäkrə/)
(in Indian thought) each of the centers of spiritual power in the human body, usually considered to be seven in number.


I do this by closing my eyes and choosing a chakra pocket at random.  I actually make pockets for sale.  You can pick them up HERE at TruthIntuitions.com (shameless plug…don’t judge me)

Once my pocket is chosen, I sit and reflect for a moment on how I can use my day to actively and affectively work on this chakra. To learn more about chakras a great resource is The Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith.

Next I pick a tarot card to further direct me in what my spiritual focus should be for the day.  The tarot that I use are the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot cards. 

Finally, I meditate.  To set the mood, I burn a white candle to bring in light, good energy. I also burn incense that corresponds with the chakra that I picked (that is unless I pick the Third Eye Chakra…because mugwort is the corresponding incense and that shit smells like bacon and cigarettes). Then I put on the Buddhattitude station on Pandora and put in my ear buds.  I sometimes will cover my head with a light prayer cloth because it helps block out distractions.  Then I grab my prayer beads and chant seed sounds in my mind as I count through all 108 beads.  

Occasionally I have to go through my beads twice or even thrice because a once through isn’t enough to clear my mind and get me leveled for the day.  

Regardless of your spiritual inclination, I highly recommend taking a few moments every day to clear your mind, take inventory, perform a little self-care, and get your shit together so you can go out there, conquer your day and be awesome as fuck.