Art Farts: The Neon Museum (Las Vegas)


When we first moved to Los Angeles, I made a long list of places to visit and things to see.  It was my way of trying to get to know my new surroundings.  Making a list of the interesting and often weird and wacky places around L.A. inspired me to do the same any time we went on vacation. 

So a few weekends ago when we met up with some friends in Vegas, I made a list of places to visit.  It was a super short trip (as any trip to Vegas should be), so we could only fit in a few things.  But The Neon Museum (AKA the Neon Boneyard) was at the top of my list.  And since we were staying just ten minutes away from it, I convinced the gang to go.

 You can go on an hour-long guided tour or do a self-guided tour at your leisure.  And the museum is also available for photo shoots and the like (at a rate of course). We opted for the self-guided tour.  It was hot AF that day because #thedesert.  And I was wearing a heavy denim jumpsuit because #fashionhurts.  But thankfully, the museum provides free umbrellas for you to use while viewing the exhibit.  I appreciated TF out of them for that. As we walked through the museum, there were staffers placed throughout to offer up factoids on the various signs.  So although we didn’t pay for a guided tour, there were so many people at the ready to help us out with questions.

In addition to the main boneyard, which is what we viewed, there is also a North Gallery and Boneyard Park. Public art, or signs that have been refurbished by the museum, are installed all over Las Vegas.  You can download a map HERE.

I had a great time. I took hella pics.  And I even learned a few things.

Peep some of the pics below:


If you’re interested in visiting the museum, you can check them out at any one of the below links:





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