Art Farts: Natural History Museum Los Angeles Fall 2019


When I was a kid, I loved visiting the Museum of Natural History in New York City, mostly because of the dinosaurs.  I was also pseudo obsessed with dioramas.  I have no idea why...I was a weird kid.  Anyway, whenever I hear ‘natural history museum’ I automatically think of a stuffed wooly mammoth.  But upon one of my culture geek research missions, I came across the butterfly pavilion at NHMLA and kinda lost my mind.  You mean to tell me that you can go to the natural history museum and see things other that dinosaur bones? Get! Out!

Anywho, peep the pics I took on my recent visit to the Natural History Museum.  Oh, and I also took pics of the dinos because they’re fucking cool, OKAY!?


Becoming Los Angeles

Butterfly Pavilion

To find out about what exhibitions and programs are going on at NHMLA, please visit:







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