A Jersey Girl in a Cali World: My 3-Year Cali-versary

Angel's Point in Elysian Park overlooking DTLA

Angel's Point in Elysian Park overlooking DTLA

After years of talking about it, in 2015, Hubby and I moved from New Jersey to California.  The first 5 months were rough AF.  I was super depressed.  I missed my friends and family.  I wanted to go ‘home.’ But we’d worked so hard to come out here.  Leaving wasn’t really an option.  After a surprise visit from 5 of my sister-friends for my birthday, I was renewed.  I got to show them around my new ‘home.’  I realized that even though I was sad about missing my nearest and dearest, I had somehow started to find my way in this new landscape. 

Following that visit I was filled with a new resolve to fully emerge myself in Southern California.  I made a list of places to visit and things to see.  I went to every free fashion, art, food, drink and culture event that I could find.  And by the end of year one, I’d made new friends and formed a routine. 

Year two brought its share of ups and downs. I was trying to find my way as a business woman.  Selling the things that I made proved to be difficult for a girl who often lets her inner gremlin tell her she’s not good enough.  There were also tests to my emotional resolve as I suffered a big loss that year.  But I kept trucking.

This past year has proven to be both the scariest and most rewarding of my time in Los Angeles.  At the start of year three I shut down my entertainment gossip blog, Manifesto Part 2, after over ten years of writing.  I decided that I wanted to stop talking about the lives of strangers, and instead wanted to share with the world, Lorin Brewer in all her fabulosity.  While being vulnerable is scary, I find that it’s also therapeutic.  I’ve found support in not only my little village that I’m so fortunate to have, but in strangers who have shared their stories with me and thanked me for my candor. 

In addition to starting the new site in year three, I’ve also streamlined my creative process in terms of my online shop, Home Brewed Love.  I’ve gotten rid of products that aren’t selling or that I simply just hate making.  I’ve added new products after listening closely to suggestions from all of you.  And I’ve taken time to find a work life balance.  I love sewing.  But work is still work.  So I will sometimes shut down for a few days and take some me time.  I also make sure to sew JUST for fun.  My goal is that by 2020, 75% of my wardrobe (sans undies and socks) is made by me.

One of the most interesting things that have happened this year is that Hubby joined the Television Academy, which means that I get to go as his plus one to all types of Emmy events.  In addition to getting access to shows and free booze and food, attendees often get to meet and mingle with celebs.  Some other LA folks might be used to that type of shit.  I’m not.  I recently had an experience that involved me sobbing into Leah Remini’s hair as she hugged me and told me it was okay.  But that’s a story for another day and another post.

I’m still out in these streets trying to see and do everything.  There’s so many things to experience here that I’ll never get bored.

But I’m no longer trying to busy myself with events and outings.  I don’t need to be so busy that I forget I’m sad.  Because I’m not sad anymore.  I still miss the hell out of my number ones.  But we just make more of an effort to make sure that those number ones stay that way…regardless if we’re on the East Coast, or on the Best Coast.

So yea, year three was pretty amazing.  I feel like I’ve grown exponentially, and I can’t wait to see what year four brings.   We’re starting it off with a move to a new apartment.  I’m sure I’ll busy myself with making the new place (especially my new craft studio) fly AF. Don’t fret, I’ll post all about it when it’s finally done.

Follow us on Twitter @FlairHuxtable, Instagram @Flair.Huxtable and @HomeBrewedLove, and Facebook at @Flair Huxtable! Then buy Lo’s first book, “The Semester,” HERE!