Lo’s Year in Review


I’ve spent the last week reflecting on what an amazing year 2017 was for me and thinking about how MF sweet 2018 is going to be. And I really need to share all of this fabulosity. Ya’ll know how much I love a listicle…so here’s a little look back and a big look forward.

2017 Wins, Losses and Lessons Learned

-Major Website Change: After over ten years of blogging under the Manifesto moniker, I shut down my celebrity gossip and entertainment news site.  It was fun while it lasted. Actually, it was fun..and then it was work, pointless, monotonous work. I was doing it out of some weird obligation to non-existent readers.

I spent the next few months rebranding and building this gorgeous piece of ass, Flair Huxtable.  It was a labor of love and a little scary to create a site where I sand fully exposed as my quirky, crafty (only occasionally fly) self. But thanks to my talented web designer, Creative Brew, my hubby who supports the hell outta me, and a whole lot of gutz to take this big leap, I have a pretty awesome spot for fly shit and fuckery.

-Made Friends: I connected with more people and connected with new people.  I tend to not want to go outside of my already established circle to interact with people.  But I forced myself to do so this year and it was kind of awesome.

-Expanded Business: I participated in my first craft fair.  Selling myself isn’t something I’m particularly good at.  But I realized that I didn’t have to sell myself to sell my merchandise.  So while I was nervous and nitpicky about the entire experience, I am so glad I did it and I’m pretty anxious to do more.

-New Look: I cut my hair.  I’ve always been sensitive about my hair and its attachment to my beauty.  I t was hard to cut away the hair from my face and let it stand naturally with no extra manipulation.  It left me vulnerable and uncomfortable for a while.  But I’ve settled into my new look, which is really just my old look…the way I’m supposed to loo…the way I really look, which is kinda cute if I must say so myself.

-Master Chef: I fell in love with cooking.  I never really liked cooking.  I was always a capable cook.  I made stuff that was tasty.  But it had to be quick because I never wanted to spend hours in the kitchen.  At the beginning of the year I made a resolution to cook more.  And through the process of making new recipes, tasty recipes, healthy recipes, I’ve discovered that cooking is kinda fun.  I’m actually really happy in the kitchen now.  My hubby on the other hand, who used to be the sole chef in the house, is a little perturbed that I’m encroaching on his territory.

2018 Manifestations

-Form an LLC: I’ve already got the business…let’s just make this thing legal, yea?

-Enter two or more craft fairs:  I’ve researched a bunch going down in the LA area in 2018 and there are at least 5 that will be pretty bomb.  I can’t wait.

-Enter one writing contest a month.  I started doing short story contests mid 2016 and kinda fell off this summer.  I’m all about improvement and these contests are great practice.

-Land a Literary Agent: This is something that will need major manifestation and all of your damn prayers.  It’s been one of the most daunting things I’ve tried to do and I feel like 2018 is going to be my year.

-Finish first draft of book #3: I published book #1 of my series.  I have book #2 completed and awaiting an agent.  Finishing book three would be great accomplishment so I can start shopping that one as well.

-Join a gym and subsequently fit into goal jeans.: I’ve been doing pretty good at regularly exercising in my apartment.  But I think getting out and doing some classes with other folks will make me accountable for my health and fitness.  Here’s to not having a belly apron in 2018!

-Take a sewing class: Though I know how to sew and I’m super crafty, everything that I know how to do has been self-taught through trial and error. I barely know the proper terms for things and I’m sure I’m doing most things wrong or the hard way.  I’ll be starting out with Mimi G’s Sew It! Academy and working my way up to courses at local schools.

-Learn more about politics: I’m trying to listen to podcasts, and NPR, be woke as fuck in the new year. I’m sick of not understanding a damn thing going on in my feed. Ya heard?

Overall, I realized in 2017, that I can do a lot of things that I never knew I could.

The gist is…

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I’m going to try to take all of the positivity showered on me, all of the gains, all of the lessons, and let that fuel me through what I plan to be a bomb ass new year.

Also, I want to hear from you! Please share with me all of the good, bad and ugly things that you’ve crip walked through this year and all the amazing things you plan to do with your cute selves next year.

Follow us on Twitter @FlairHuxtable, Instagram @Flair.Huxtable and @HomeBrewedLove, and Facebook at @Flair Huxtable! Then buy Lo’s first book, “The Semester,” HERE!